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Pogo Weekend Roundup

Pogo Weekend Roundup

Welcome to the weekend roundup! This is where we look back at everything that has happened on Pogo this past week.

It’s also great time to introduce yourself! Feel free to talk about anything Pogo related. We’d love to hear from you.

See you in the comments section!

This week in Pogo :

10/20 – Pies and Desserts Badge Collection : Week Three
10/20 – October Monthly Player Survey
10/21 – Diamond Mix-n-Match Badges
10/24 – StoryQuest : New Episode
10/24 – Bejeweled Stars: New Levels
10/24 – Cookie Connect: New Levels & Badges
10/24 – Pumpkin Festival Treasure Chase
10/25 – 25% Off in Select Games
10/25 – Wednesday Weekly Challenges
10/25 – Halloween Themed Mix-n-Match Badges
10/26 – Peggle Blast HD: Surprise Event
10/26 – Peggle Blast HD: Spooky Delights Event

Filed under:  Misc


Lisa says

I should be able to finish gold thanks to those halloween-themed badges!

Tom says

I didn’t realize that doing the spooky event gave credit towards the peggle blast surprise event …

Anna P. says

Pogo needs to bring back spooky slots

SoreEyes2 says

Thank you for all your hard work on keeping the weekly challenges page up to date. It’s nice to know what coming up for the next month.


Hazel says

We need new games!

Robin H. says

That Stack’em challenge from the treasure chase has to be the worst! It’s taking forever to complete .

Tammy says

I agree it’s so frustrating!!

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