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October Monthly Player Survey

Pogo Player Survey

Pogo is looking for your opinion in their new October Monthly Player Survey.

This month, Pogo is looking for your feedback on Garden Blast:

1) How frequently do you play Garden Blast?
2) How satisfied are you with Garden Blast?
3) What mechanics in Garden Blast do you like or dislike?
4) What parts of a Garden Blast update do you enjoy?
5) How would you rate the difficulty of Garden Blast?
6) Do you engage in Garden Blast challenges?
7) Would you like more challenges for Garden Blast?

This month, we’d like to ask you :

What are your thoughts on Garden Blast? Let us know in the comments below!

Filed under:  Pogo News


Lisa says

I don’t hate it, but I wish there weren’t so many challenges for it. I know lots of people who would love to see it removed from the website though.

Claire says

I’d be happy if Pogo stop throwing in GB challenges that required us to win games

Angel R. says

I wish Pogo gave us the option to give our own opinion on the game

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