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Pogo Weekend Roundup

Pogo Weekend Roundup

Welcome to the weekend roundup! This is where we look back at everything that has happened on Pogo this past week.

It’s also great time to introduce yourself! Feel free to talk about anything Pogo related. We’d love to hear from you.

See you in the comments section!

This week in Pogo :

11/03 – Pies and Desserts Badge Collection : Week Five
11/06 – Gideon the Griffin Constellation
11/07 – Pumpkin Festival Treasure Chase : Week #3
11/07 – StoryQuest: More Arabian Nights – Episodes 1 – 4
11/07 – Snowbird Solitaire: New Levels
11/07 – Monopoly Sudoku: New City & Badges
11/07 – Now Available: Solitaire Home Story
11/08 – 25% Off in Select Games
11/08 – Wednesday Weekly Challenges
11/09 – Garden Blast: Frosty Fall Event
11/10 – Monopoly Sudoku: Bonus Daily Challenges : Day #4
11/10 – Mix-n-Match Badges: Back from the Vault Sale
11/10 – Deep Sea Creatures Badge Collection : Week One

Filed under:  Misc


Tom says

My current gripe with solitaire home story is when the joker card flashes when you don’t have one

Lisa says

It’s been a busy week. I’m off to a great start on the constellation, so I have no complaints.

Sweetea says

I don’t mind solitaire, but I was hoping for Clue. Does anyone know what the next new game will be released?

Risky says

I’m waiting for clue as well!

SoreEyes2 says

The garden Blast event wasn’t as bad as I was expecting to to be

Lori says

I never had troubles with it either

Anna P. says

I’m happy we finally got a new city in Monopoly Sudoku

LuckyMe says

me too! it took them forever to release it…

Hazel says

I’m a little bummed that there wasn’t much available for me in the vault sale

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