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Pogo Weekend Roundup

Pogo Weekend Roundup

Welcome to our weekend roundup! This is where we look back at everything that has happened on Pogo this past week.

It’s also great time to introduce yourself! Feel free to talk about anything Pogo related. We’d love to hear from you.

What are your favorite things from this past week?

See you in the comments section!

This Week in Pogo

07/05 – Sand Castles Badge Collection
07/05 – Pogo Weekend Roundup
07/06 – Free Gift: Pogo Slots Mix-n-Match Badge
07/07 – 50% Off Bejeweled Stars Power-Ups and Coin Packs
07/08 – Monday Mix-n-Match Badges
07/08 – Free Gift: Membership Appreciation Badge #2
07/08 – Free Gift: Pogo Slots Mix-n-Match Badge #2
07/08 – Bonus Daily Challenges : Week Two – Day #7
07/09 – Quinn’s Aquarium: New Levels
07/09 – Solitaire Home Story: Surprise Event
07/09 – 4 Pogo Slots Mix-n-Match Badges
07/09 – Mahjong Sanctuary: New Levels
07/10 – 25% Off in Select Games
07/10 – Wednesday Weekly Challenges
07/10 – National Parks Badge Collection : Week Four
07/10 – Unbundled: Orchids Badge Collection
07/10 – Free Gift: Club Pogo’s 21st Anniversary Badge #3
07/11 – Bonus Daily Challenges : Week Three – Day #2
07/11 – Treasure Chase: Tea Garden – Week Three
07/11 – Sweet Tooth Town: Antoinette in Asia Event
07/11 – July 2024 Monthly Player Survey

Filed under:  Misc


Hazel says

My favs were the free badges, sale in bejeweled stars and the national park badges

MomOfThree says

My favorite is that this madness is almost over! I’ve never played on Pogo as much as I have during this celebration event.

Lisa says

I love the free badges, national park badges, and the unbundled collections.

Kelly R. says

I enjoy almost everything Pogo releases and I really appreciate all the hard work you do on this website, as I’d be lost without it!

Victoria M. says

I’m really enjoying the bonus daily challenges and the free badges.

Carmen says

My favorites are the pogo slots badges. I’ve been spending a lot of time in there this week getting all the badges.

SweetPea says

I don’t care for Quinn’s Aquarium, but the sand castle badge collection is still one of my favorites of the week. They are really cute badges.

Denise S. says

I love anything that gives me badges!

Sara P. says

My favorites are the free badges and the events

DeeDee says

I really don’t have any favorites, but I’m looking forward to taking a break as Pogo has been eating a lot of my time lately. I want to be able to enjoy the good weather outside while it lasts.

Nichole says

The treasure chase was fun this time around, as you guys posted the spoilers and I never had to figure out the challenges for myself lol

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