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Pogo Weekend Roundup

Pogo Weekend Roundup

Welcome to the weekend roundup! This is where we look back at everything that has happened on Pogo this past week.

It’s also great time to introduce yourself! Feel free to talk about anything Pogo related. We’d love to hear from you.

What was your favorite thing on Pogo this past week?

See you in the comments section!

This week in Pogo :

11/21 – StoryQuest: More Arabian Nights – Episode 3
11/21 – Sweet Tooth Town: New Levels & Badges
11/21 – Garden Blast: New Levels
11/21 – Jewel Academy: New Levels
11/21 – Anagrams: Cabin Challenges
11/21 – Diamond Mix-n-Match Badges
11/21 – Autumn Camping Merit Badge Event
11/22 – 25% Off in Select Games
11/22 – Wednesday Weekly Challenges
11/22 – Solitaire Home Story Mix-n-Match Badges
11/23 – Mahjong Sanctuary: Frost Tipped Leaves Event
11/23 – Mahjong Sanctuary: Surprise Event
11/24 – Deep Sea Creatures Badge Collection : Week Three
11/24 – Pogo Gems Sale

Filed under:  Misc


Lisa says

My favorites of the week were the diamond badges and gem sale!

Carie S. says

Mine were the gem sale and the mahjong events

SoreEyes2 says

The gems sale and the deep sea creature badges

Emma L. says

My favs are the new levels to STT, and the gem sale!

Sophie says

I like the game updates and events. I sure hope we see another new game before the year is over.

Robin H. says

The gem sale is my favorite. Have fun everyone, I’m out for the long weekend!

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