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Wednesday Challenges: October 18th – 24th, 2023

Pogo Weekly Challenges

Here are this weeks Wednesday challenges for October 18th – 24th, 2023.

Pogo Weekly Challenge Badge
Garden Blast
White Flower Badge
Use 80 rockets or rocket power-up combos this week!
Pogo Pogis400 Pogis

Pogo Weekly Challenge Badge
Mahjong Safari HD
Toucan Tile Badge
Win 20 games this week!
Pogo Pogis400 Pogis

Go here : https://www.pogo.com/challenges?filters=WEEKLY

If you need any help with these games, please visit our Pogo Games page.

Want a sneak peek at the upcoming Wednesday challenges? Visit our Pogo Weekly Challenges page!

Use the comments below to talk about or share any tips and tricks for earning these badges.

Filed under:  Wednesday Challenges


Cathy says

thank you I will try and finish these

Lisa says

The only positive thing about the Garden Blast challenge is that we don’t need to win games …

Sophie says

Pogo please slow down on the GB challenges a lot of us are getting tired of this game

SoreEyes2 says

Not my favorites games, but I’ll manage

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