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Wednesday Challenges: January 24th – 30th, 2024

Pogo Weekly Challenges

Here are this weeks challenges on Pogo for January 24th – 30th, 2024.

Pogo Weekly Challenge Badge
Jigsaw Treasure Hunter HD
Nested Eggs Badge
Win 7 games this week!
Pogo Pogis400 Pogis

Pogo Weekly Challenge Badge
Sweet Tooth Town
Chocolate Strawberry Badge
Create 80 Jelly Bombs this week!
Pogo Pogis400 Pogis

Go here : https://www.pogo.com/challenges?filters=WEEKLY

If you need any help with these games, please visit our Pogo Games page.

Want a sneak peek at the upcoming Wednesday challenges? Visit our Pogo Weekly Challenges page!

Use the comments below to talk about or share any tips and tricks for earning these badges.

Filed under:  Wednesday Challenges


Cathy says

thank you i actually may be able to complete these this week

LuckyMe says

I’m not a big fan of that Jigsaw challenge

Hazel says

Thanks, I love Sweet Tooth Town and there is a event for it tomorrow as well!

Lisa says

Thanks! These will take a while to complete, but it could be worse…

CindyLee says

Why jigsaw?? ANY game would’ve been a better choice

Ricki says

Cindy it’s because Pogo is punishing us for complaining about Garden Blast lol

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