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Wednesday Challenges: August 30 – September 5th, 2023

Pogo Weekly Challenges

Here are this weeks Wednesday challenges for August 30th – September 5th, 2023.

Butterfly Badge - Trizzle
Butterfly Badge
Match 1300 green dolls this week!
Pogo Pogis400 Pogis

Dice Badge - RISK: Pogo Domination
RISK: Pogo Domination
Dice Badge
Win a battle as an attacker 45 times this week!
Pogo Pogis400 Pogis

Go here : https://www.pogo.com/challenges?filters=WEEKLY

If you need any help with these games, please visit our Pogo Games page.

Want a sneak peek at the upcoming Wednesday challenges? Visit our Pogo Weekly Challenges page!

Use the comments below to talk about or share any tips and tricks for earning these badges.

Filed under:  Wednesday Challenges

4 Comments - 1 Tip

Cathy says

thank you i don’t like risk so i won’t be doing that challenge

Lisa says

Thanks! I have no idea how to play RISK though.

Betty29 says

Here’s one way to complete the RISK challenge :

1) Start a New Game (Multiplayer > Host Game > Capitol)
2) Just before your last winning move, exit the game
3) Load the game back up and click the green arrow to resume
4) Play your last winning move
5) Click on “continue game”, “continue” and then “rematch”
6) Repeat step 5 above over and over until the challenge is complete

Dave says

Thanks for the tip!

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