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Sweet Tooth Town: Homemade Treats Event

Pogo Sweet Tooth Town

The Homemade Treats event has started in Sweet Tooth Town. If you complete the event before it ends on April 3, you will win a new badge for your collection.

Homemade Treats Badge - Sweet Tooth Town
Sweet Tooth Town
Homemade Treats Badge
Complete the Homemade Treats Event in Sweet Tooth Town to earn this badge

If you need any help with this game, please visit our Sweet Tooth Town game page and Joy’s Homemade Treats Event video!


What do you think of the new event in Sweet Tooth Town? Let us know in the comments below!

Filed under:  Pogo Events


Lisa says

Thanks, I love Sweet Tooth Town!

Tracy M. says

It’s a cute badge, I hope it’s not impossible to win like the bejeweled stars events

Sadie P. says

Pogo please add Pogi rewards to these events!!

Carla says

Is anyone else having troubles completing the second level?

MomOfThree says

Thank you, I’ll try and get this done after I finish this weeks merit badge event challenges

Hazel says

Thanks, I hope I can knock this event out quickly so I can get back to the 10 other things Pogo gave us to work on this week

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