Welcome to the Pogo Help Center! Here, you’ll find answers to the most frequently asked questions and solutions to common issues found on Pogo.com
Whether you’re looking for tips on completing challenges, troubleshooting game freezes, or managing your account, we’ve got you covered.
If you can’t find what you are looking for on here, you can try searching the Pogo Knowledge Base and contact us so we can add it to our help section.
How To Contact Pogo
The only way to contact Pogo customer support is through the EA support website.
Pogo Phone Number
Despite what you may have been told or seen in search engines, there is no Pogo phone number. Pogo customer support is managed by their parent company, Electronic Arts, via web and live chat only.
Lost Pogo Screen Name or Password
If you forgot or lost your Pogo screen name or password, head over to the Pogo sign-in page and click on the ”Forgot your password?” link located right under the ”Sign In” button. After doing so, enter in your email address when prompted and Pogo will send you instructions on how to reset your password.
How to Purchase a Club Pogo Membership
You can purchase a Club Pogo membership directly from the Pogo.com website. The membership currently costs $6.99 per month, $14.99 every 3 months or $39.99 per year. The yearly plan works out to be just $3.33 per month.
How to Cancel a Club Pogo Membership
You can cancel your membership by visiting your Account Settings page, clicking on the ”Billing and Subscription” tab on the left side of the page, and then on the ”Cancel your subscription” link on the right side. Once you have canceled your subscription, you will still have membership benefits until your current membership expires.
How to Send or Get a 30-day Club Pogo Guest Pass
Please visit our Club Pogo Guest Pass page on how to send and get your Club pogo guest pass.
What are Pogo Gems
Pogo Gems can be used to purchase premium items on Pogo. Visit our Pogo Gems page for more information!
What are Pogis
Pogis are special points Club Pogo members can earn by completing new Daily, Weekly and Premium challenges in various Pogo games. Visit our Pogi Constellations page for more information!
How to Find Pogo Coupons and Deals
You can find all that information in our ultimate guide to Pogo Coupons, Deals and Sales page.
How to Fix Freezing Issues in Pogo Games
Please visit our Solve Freezing Issues in Pogo Games page for information on how to fix this issue.
How to Find Video Tutorials for Pogo Games
We highly recommend checking out Joy’s YouTube Page for all your Pogo needs! You will find tutorial videos on game events, playthroughs, tips and more.
What AFK / BRB / WTG Means
Those are acronyms for “away from keyboard”, “be right back” and “way to go”. Visit our Pogo Acronyms page for an extensive list of Pogo game acronyms and Pogo chat acronyms.
Is Pogo Down Right Now
You can check to see if Pogo is down right now, or if it’s just an issue on your end, by visiting the the DownForEveryoneOrJustMe website. If you’re having issues, try using a different web browser and see if that solves the problem for you.