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Garden Blast: Surprise Event – September 2023

Pogo Garden Blast Surprise Event

A new surprise event in Garden Blast is now available!

Garden Blast – Win 20 levels for the first time. Replaying levels counts if you have already completed them all.

If you complete the event on time, you will be awarded 600 Pogis.

To find and activate it, just visit Challenge Central. This surprise event ends on September 14th, 2023.

If you need any help with this game, please visit our Garden Blast game page.

What do you think of the new surprise event in Garden Blast? Let us know in the comments below.

Filed under:  Pogo Updates


Cathy says

thank you but this will be impossible for us that haven’t finished all the levels

Betty29 says

In my opinion, this is not worth the 600 Pogis. It just takes too long to complete. Your time can be better spent elsewhere!

Lisa says

Thanks! I think I’m going to skip this one as well, for the same reasons as stated above.

SoreEyes2 says

I’m going to try and complete it, but not going to stress about it if I don’t.

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