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Windy Windmill Badge Collection

Windy Windmill Badge Collection

A new badge collection called Windy Windmill is now available in Word Whomp HD!

Windy Windmill Badge Pack

Autumn Windmill Badge - Word Whomp HD
Word Whomp HD
Autumn Windmill Badge
Find 80 5-letter words in 3 weeks!
Pogo Pogis400 Pogis

Night Windmill Badge - Word Whomp HD
Word Whomp HD
Night Windmill Badge
Find 70 words in 2 weeks!
Pogo Pogis300 Pogis

Spring Windmill Badge - Word Whomp HD
Word Whomp HD
Spring Windmill Badge
Find 60 words with any of P, O, G, O letters in 2 weeks!
Pogo Pogis300 Pogis

Summer Windmill Badge - Word Whomp HD
Word Whomp HD
Summer Windmill Badge
Find 15 or more words in a game 10 times in 3 weeks!
Pogo Pogis400 Pogis

Winter Windmill Badge - Word Whomp HD
Word Whomp HD
Winter Windmill Badge
Get 240 carrots in 4 weeks!
Pogo Pogis500 Pogis

You can purchase this badge collection for 80 gems and it will be available until May 18th, 2023.

What do you think of this new Windy Windmill Badge Collection? Did you purchase it? Let us know in a comment below.

Filed under:  Pogo Badges

1 Comment

Cathy says

thank you for letting us know. i thought I purchased these already, but i guess i didn’t so i’m going to get them now.

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