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Sweet Tooth Town: Perfect Pancakes Event

Pogo Sweet Tooth Town

The Perfect Pancakes event has begun in Sweet Tooth Town. Complete it before September 18 to earn a new badge for your collection.

Sweet Tooth Town Perfect Pancakes Badge
Perfect Pancakes Badge
Complete the Perfect Pancakes Event in Sweet Tooth Town to earn this badge

For assistance with this game, please visit our Sweet Tooth Town Help page and Joy’s Perfect Pancake Video!

What are your thoughts on this new event? Have any tips for completing it? Share your opinions in the comments below!


Lisa says

Thanks, I might give this a go and see what happens.

Hazel says

I’m going to pass on this event so I can hopefully get my 60 gems from the bingo jam event

Bonnie says

I was able to finish this event the last time it was here, so I’ll try and see what happens this time around

LittleOne says

I want to play this event, but I’ll see how my progression is on bingo jam this weekend and decide then

SadPanda says

This game always brings me joy so I’ll be participating in this event

Jill C. says

Why hasn’t Pogo adjusted the difficulty on this event yet? Either do that or remove some of the levels. It’s the most time consuming weekly event.

Dave says

I agree, something needs to be done.

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