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Sweet Tooth Town: New Levels & Badges - Chocolate Shop Tier 6

Pogo Sweet Tooth Town

The Chocolate Shop Tier 6 and 30 new levels were added to Sweet Tooth Town today! You can earn 2 new badges in this update – one for completing all levels in Chocolate Shop Shop Tier 5, and for completing all of them with 3 stars.

Sweet Tooth Town Chocolate Shop Tier 6 Badge
Chocolate Shop Tier 6 Badge
Complete all levels in Chocolate Shop Tier 6

Sweet Tooth Town Gold Chocolate Shop Tier 6 Badge
Gold Chocolate Shop Tier 6 Badge
Complete all levels in Chocolate Shop Tier 6 with 3 stars

If you need any assistance with this game, please visit our Sweet Town Town game page.

Have you unlocked the new Chocolate Shop? What do you think of the new levels? Let us know in a comment below!

Filed under:  Pogo Updates


Lisa says

Thanks, I’m all caught up and ready to go.

DeeDee says

I wish I could get 3 stars on all the levels to get the extra badge.

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