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Sweet Tooth Town: Dandy Lion Event

Pogo Sweet Tooth Town

The Dandy Lion event has started in Sweet Tooth Town. If you complete the event before it ends on April 24, you will win a new badge for your collection.

Dandy Lion Badge - Sweet Tooth Town
Sweet Tooth Town
Dandy Lion Badge
Complete the Dandy Lion Event in Sweet Tooth Town to earn this badge

If you need any help with this game, please visit our Sweet Tooth Town game page and Joy’s Dandy Lion Event video tutorial!

What do you think of the new event in Sweet Tooth Town? Let us know in the comments below!

Filed under:  Pogo Events


Hanna says

Thanks, I love STT!

Lisa says

It’s going to be tough to try and finish everything Pogo is throwing at us.

Misty L. says

I’m going to focus on the bingo event instead, as that rewards us Pogis and gems

MomOfThree says

Thanks, this shouldn’t take too long to complete

LittleOne says

I hope this event isn’t too difficult! I want the badge, but I also want to spend as much time as possible on the new bingo event.

Oliva says

I’m already on level 5, so this event is not too difficult. If you use power-ups when needed, you’ll be done in no time!

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