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Solitaire Home Story: Surprise Event – April 2024

Solitaire Home Story Surprise Event

A surprise event in Solitaire Home Story starts now and runs through April 11. To find and activate the event, just visit Challenge Central. To complete the event, you need to win 20 levels.

If you need any help with this game, please visit our Solitaire Home Story game page.

What do you think of the new surprise event in Solitaire Home Story? Let us know in the comments below.

Filed under:  Pogo Events


Lisa says

Thanks, this should be fairly easy to complete.

DeeDee says

I’m just happy to see a new game added to the rotation for these surprise challenges

Hazel says

This is a pleasant surprise! I’ll for sure get this challenge finished.

AngelWings says

I don’t care for this game, but I want the Pogis so I’ll get it done.

Oliva says

I haven’t played this game very much, so I’m hoping I can whip through these levels in no time at all

LittleOne says

I may be a minority, but this game is starting to grow on me. I need the Pogis, so I’ll focus up and get this challenge done today.

Thomas says

What is the significance of the pawprint cards?

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