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Peggle Blast HD: Animal Garden Event

Pogo Peggle Blast HD

The Animal Garden event in Peggle Blast has started. If you complete the event before it ends on May 1, you will win a new badge and power-ups for your collection.

To start the event, open the Peggle Blast game, select the event and click on the play button.

Animal Garden Badge - Peggle Blast HD
Peggle Blast HD
Animal Garden Badge
Complete Animal Garden Event in Peggle Blast to win this badge

If you need any help with this game, please visit our Peggle Blast HD game page and Joy’s Animal Garden event tutorial video!

You can play the game here.

What do you think of the new event in Peggle Blast HD? Let us know in the comments below!

Filed under:  Pogo Events


Hazel says

Thanks, finally an easy event in a game I like!

Norma says

This event shouldn’t take long to complete, so it’s worth doing

Lisa says

The first few levels were easy and I don’t expect to have any issues with the rest of them.

MomOfThree says

These events are always fun to do. My kids love this game, so I may let them have at it lol

LittleOne says

All events should be like this one. They should be fun, not stressful and pushing you to use power-ups.

AngelWings says

Thank you, I’m ready to get started on it!

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