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Garden Blast: Polynesian Gardens Event

Pogo Garden Blast

The Polynesian Gardens event in Garden Blast has started. If you complete the event before it ends on May 8, you will earn a new badge for your collection.

Garden Blast Event Badge
Garden Blast
Polynesian Gardens Badge
Complete the Polynesian Gardens Event in Garden Blast to earn this badge

To win this badge, you must complete all five levels in the event before the time runs out.

If you need any help with this game, visit our Garden Blast game page and Joy’s Polynesian Gardens tutorial!

What are your thoughts on this new event? Let us know in the comments below!

Filed under:  Pogo Events


MomOfThree says

I’ve already completed the first couple of levels, and it’s not too bad so far. I’ll hopefully complete it later today.

Lisa says

Thanks, I’m ready to go!

Claire M. says

I’m on the fence if I should even bother with this one. The last time this event was here, I was only able to do the first 3 levels and the 4th level was near impossible.

Hazel says

Thank you, I’ll give it a go and see what happens

Lilly says

No thanks, I really don’t need the aggravation of defeat this weekend. Good luck everyone!

Fran says

The only gripe I have is feeling that I have to use power-ups to win. If this event awarded Pogis, then it would a different story.

DeeDee says

Is that a bee on a hammock? It’s a cute badge, but is it worth it… Could someone who completed this event please chime in and let us know how it is?

Jim C. says

All done! The event is fairly easy, but there is a chance that I just got lucky with completing the levels.

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