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Free Gift: Club Pogo’s 20th Anniversary Badge #2

Club Pogo's 20th Anniversary Membership Appreciation Badge #2

Pogo has awarded all Club Pogo members a free Quinn’s Aquarium membership appreciation badge as part of Club Pogo’s 20th Anniversary celebration!

To get yours, head over to the Pogo Message Center page and open your gift from Pogo_Spike.

Aquarium Welcome Appreciation Badge - Quinn's Aquarium
Quinn’s Aquarium
Aquarium Welcome Appreciation Badge
Collect 2000 tiles in 3 weeks!
Pogo Pogis300 Pogis

If you need any help with this game, please visit our Quinn’s Aquarium game page.

Did you get your free membership appreciation badge? Let us know in the comments below!

Filed under:  Pogo Gifts


Lisa says

Thanks, I got mine!

Dizzy says

I just got my badge, thank you.

Marina says

Yay, our “favourite” game…how thoughtful of them!
Actually I’m stubbornly trying to progress in it….
20 levels more to random level play

Dave says

You are much closer than I am. It must be nice to finally see light at the end of the tunnel!

Marina says

haha….not counting on smooth sailing in random play. might take months to get there, as powerups earned once in a blue moon i seldom use wisely…. but no quitting. Gotta BE the light in the tunnel =)

Cathy says

thank you for letting us know

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