Badge Collection: Neighborhood Estates

Neighborhood Estates Badge Collection

The Neighborhood Estates badges are now available. You can purchase this collection in Monopoly Sudoku for 80 gems, which includes five mix-n-match badges worth a total of 1,900 Pogis.

These badges will be available until February 17.

If you need any help with this game, visit our Monopoly Sudoku game page.

What are your thoughts on this new badge collection? Do you have any tips on how to complete any of the challenges? Let us know in the comments below.

Neighborhood Estates Badges

Cape Cod Neighborhood Estates Badge - MONOPOLY Sudoku
Cape Cod Neighborhood Estates Badge
Win 10 games in 2 weeks!
Pogo Pogis300 Pogis

Farmhouse Neighborhood Estates Badge - MONOPOLY Sudoku
Farmhouse Neighborhood Estates Badge
Get 25 gold trophies in 2 weeks!
Pogo Pogis300 Pogis

Mediterranean Neighborhood Estates Badge - MONOPOLY Sudoku
Mediterranean Neighborhood Estates Badge
Gain 80,000 Monopoly dollars from filling puzzle cells in 3 weeks!
Pogo Pogis400 Pogis

Midcentury Modern Neighborhood Estates Badge - MONOPOLY Sudoku
Midcentury Modern Neighborhood Estates Badge
Win 16 games each under 10 minutes in 3 weeks!
Pogo Pogis400 Pogis

Tudor Neighborhood Estates Badge - MONOPOLY Sudoku
Tudor Neighborhood Estates Badge
Win 35 games with 2 or more lives left in 4 weeks!
Pogo Pogis500 Pogis


Hazel says

It’s about time, thanks!

Lisa says

Thanks, I picked them up!

Bonnie says

I’m not a fan of this game, but I’ll pick them up nonetheless

Fran C. says

Thanks for letting us know

LittleOne says

I wonder why it took Pogo months to get this one released

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