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Wednesday Challenges: May 22 – 28, 2024

Pogo Weekly Challenges

Here are this weeks challenges and badges for May 22 – 28, 2024.

Letter Tray Badge - A Way With Words
A Way With Words
Letter Tray Badge
Make 80 words with all yellow letters this week!
Pogo Pogis400 Pogis

Matryoshka Measure Badge - Trizzle
Matryoshka Measure Badge
Match 5 or more dolls in one move 170 times this week!
Pogo Pogis400 Pogis

You can play this weeks challenges here. If you need any help with these games, head over to our Pogo Games page.

If you want a sneak peek at the upcoming Wednesday challenges, visit our Pogo Weekly Challenges page.

Use the comments below to talk about or share any tips and tricks you know for earning these badges!

Filed under:  Wednesday Challenges


Lisa says

That Trizzle challenge will take sometime to complete.

Carol T. says

I’m skipping the Trizzle challenge, as the game constantly freezes on my computer

MomOfThree says

This is not a great week for me so I might just skip it.

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