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Top of the Year Badge Marathon

Pogo Badge Marathon

The Top of the Year Badge Marathon has started on Pogo!

This marathon will take you through Bookworm HD, Cookie Connect, Double Deuce Poker HD, Garden Blast, Pogo Mini-Golf and Yahtzee! Wild.

During this badge marathon, you can complete the challenges in any order you like. In order to win the animated bonus badge, you need to finish all of the challenges before time runs out.

If you need any help with the games, please visit our Pogo games and badge marathon pages.

To get started on the Top of the Year Badge Marathon and track your progress, just follow the link below.


All challenges must be finished by 11:59pm on January 15th.

Do you have any tips or tricks on how to complete these challenges? Let us know in a comment below.

Filed under:  Pogo Events


Lisa says

Thanks! I’m not sure what Pogo was thinking about including that Garden Blast challenge. It’ll be almost impossible to get!

Barry says

The only way Pogo can fix this mess is to either change the challenge to another game, or automatically give everyone credit for completing it. If not, this will be the first marathon I won’t be able to finish.

Kelly Sumpter says

My husband works in the gaming industry and told me that Pogo is not out to intentionally upset us. These challenges (weekly, marathons, events) were predetermined some time ago.

There is no quick fix, but you can be sure they are working on a solution. We’ll probably end up getting credit for those garden blast challenges, whether we finish them or not.

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