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RISK: Pogo Domination – Now Available for Select Players

RISK: Pogo Domination

RISK: Pogo Domination is now available for select Pogo players.

If you were selected, you can play the game by clicking the link below:


If you get the “Page Not Found” page, it means your account is not yet part of the early access for this game.

Pogo will be giving more people access as to it as they work out any bugs in the game.

Do you have access to the new RISK: Pogo Domination game? Let us know in a comment below.

Filed under:  Pogo Updates


Lisa says

I don’t have access to the game yet, but that’s fine since I usually don’t play these types of games.

Dave says

It’s not my type of game either. Besides, I don’t have time to play it as I’m trying to reach gold gems this month.

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