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Rattan Baskets Badge Collection

Rattan Baskets Badge Collection

The Rattan Baskets badge collection is now available in Canasta HD!

You can purchase this badge collection for 80 gems each and it will be available until January 16th, 2024.

If you need any help with this game, please visit our Canasta HD game page.

What do you think of this new Rattan Baskets badge collection? Do you have any tips on how to complete any of the challenges? Let us know in the comments below.

Rattan Baskets Badge Pack

Rattan Cat Basket Badge - Canasta HD
Canasta HD
Rattan Cat Basket Badge
Meld out before your opponents 4 times in 2 weeks!
Pogo Pogis300 Pogis

Rattan Cllyde Basket Badge - Canasta HD
Canasta HD
Rattan Cllyde Basket Badge
Make 25 Canastas in 2 weeks!
Pogo Pogis300 Pogis

Rattan Duck Basket Badge - Canasta HD
Canasta HD
Rattan Duck Basket Badge
Win 26,000 Canasta points in 3 weeks!
Pogo Pogis400 Pogis

Rattan Fish Basket Badge - Canasta HD
Canasta HD
Rattan Fish Basket Badge
Make 14 Canastas with no wilds in 3 weeks!
Pogo Pogis400 Pogis

Rattan Seal Basket Badge - Canasta HD
Canasta HD
Rattan Seal Basket Badge
Get 40 red threes in 4 weeks!
Pogo Pogis500 Pogis

Filed under:  Pogo Badges


Cathy says

thank you for letting us know

Lisa says

Love the new badge collection!

SoreEyes2 says

Thank you these are nice badges

Anna P. says

These are cute badges

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