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Pogo Daily Sudoku: New Badges – Time Challenge

Pogo Daily Sudoku

Pogo has added five new badges to Pogo Daily Sudoku today!

The new badges include : Time Challenge Beginner, Easy, Medium, Hard and Expert 1500 Badge.

Time Challenge Beginner 1500 Badge - Pogo Daily Sudoku
Time Challenge Beginner 1500 Badge
Complete 1500 beginner puzzles within 90 seconds

Time Challenge Easy 1500 Badge - Pogo Daily Sudoku
Time Challenge Easy 1500 Badge
Complete 1500 easy puzzles within 150 seconds

Time Challenge Medium 1500 Badge - Pogo Daily Sudoku
Time Challenge Medium 1500 Badge
Complete 1500 medium puzzles within 300 seconds

Time Challenge Hard 1500 Badge - Pogo Daily Sudoku
Time Challenge Hard 1500 Badge
Complete 1500 hard puzzles within 540 seconds

Time Challenge Expert 1500 Badge - Pogo Daily Sudoku
Time Challenge Expert 1500 Badge
Complete 1500 expert puzzles within 720 seconds

If you need any help with this game, please visit our Pogo Daily Sudoku game page.

What do you think of the new badges in Pogo Daily Sudoku? Let us know in the comments below.

Filed under:  Pogo Updates


Lisa says

I’m not crazy about this game. I have too much going on, so I’m not able keep up with it. Ever since I found your daily checklist, my Pogo life got a lot busier!

Dave says

Once I completed compiling that list, I was also surprised on how much there was to do every day on Pogo.

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