The Brr Bjorn event has started in Peggle Blast HD. If you complete the event before it ends on January 29, you will earn a new badge and power-ups for your collection.
To start this event, open the Peggle Blast game, select the event and click on the play button.
Brr Bjorn Badge
Complete Brr Bjorn Event in Peggle Blast to win this badge
If you require any assistance, visit our Peggle Blast HD game page and Joy’s Brr Bjorn Event video!
Are you participating in this new event? Let us know in the comments below!
Thanks, I love Peggle Blast!
It feels like forever since we had an event in this game
This is a fun one, it should only take around 30 mins to finish
I love this game as well! This is always a fun event.