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December Monthly Player Survey

Pogo Player Survey

Pogo is looking for your opinion in their new December Monthly Player Survey.

This month, Pogo is looking for your feedback on :

1) How frequently do you use gems on Pogo?
2) Rank various items by how much you value them
3) How often do you activate and complete challenges?
4) Rank various events by how much you enjoy them

This month, we’d like to ask you :

Which events do you enjoy the most? Let us know in the comments below!

Filed under:  Pogo News


Lisa says

I really enjoy the celebration events, followed closely by the showcase events

Cathy says

thank you i’m off to fill it out now

CindyLee says

The spectacular showcases and celebration events are my favorites!

SoreEyes2 says

I like all the events with the exception of badge marathons. The challenges are too demanding for how little time we have to complete them.

Sweettea says

I’m with CindyLee! My favs are the showcases and celebration events.

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