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Coming Soon: Phil the Kraken Constellation

Phil the Kraken Constellation

A new constellation called Phil the Kraken starts on March 4th!

All Pogi counts will be reset, giving everyone a fresh start to climb the Bronze, Silver and Gold prestige levels and unlock a new selection of rewards.

Are you ready for this new constellation? Let us know in the comments below!

Filed under:  Pogo Events


Cathy says

thank you for letting us know

Lisa says

Thanks, I’ve reached gold but I do have some challenges saved up so I should be off to a good start on this one.

MomOfThree says

So that gives us one week to wrap up the current one. Where did the time go?

Hazel says

I’ve saved up quite a bit for this new constellation. I’ll be upset if I don’t reach gold this time around!

Crystal T. says

I’m ready for this one!

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