The Snowbird Knitting event in Snowbird Solitaire has started! By completing it before March 26, you will not only unlock a brand-new badge but also earn 175 coins.
Snowbird Knitting Badge
Complete Snowbird Knitting Event in Snowbird Solitaire to win this badge
If you need assistance with the game, be sure to check out our Snowbird Solitaire game page.
So, what are your thoughts on this new event? Have any tips for completing it? Share your opinions in the comments below!
I love snowbird, so I’ll be participating!
I should have more than enough time after the treasure chase event to knock this one out as well.
I love Snowbird Solitaire as well, and I’ll make time for the event this week
I enjoy this one every time it’s available. It shouldn’t take too long to complete this event either.