The Extravagant Adventures badge collection is now available in World Class Solitaire HD!
You can purchase this badge collection for 48 gems each and it will be available until November 14th, 2023.
What do you think of this new Extravagant Adventures Badge Collection? Did you purchase it? Let us know in a comment below.
Extravagant Adventures Badge Pack #1
World Class Solitaire HD
Hong Kong Flight Badge
Place 400 cards into the foundation stacks in 4 weeks!
500 Pogis
World Class Solitaire HD
New Delhi Flight Badge
Earn 30 power-ups in 3 weeks!
400 Pogis
World Class Solitaire HD
Rome Flight Badge
Score 3000 points in 2 weeks!
300 Pogis
Extravagant Adventures Badge Pack #2
World Class Solitaire HD
Paris Flight Badge
Use the grab power up 30 times in 3 weeks!
400 Pogis
World Class Solitaire HD
San Francisco Flight Badge
Earn 50 power-ups in 4 weeks!
500 Pogis
World Class Solitaire HD
Tokyo Flight Badge
Place 50 heart cards into the heart foundation stack in 2 weeks!
300 Pogis
thank you for letting us know
Thanks, love the new badges! I’ll pick these badges up later today.
Thank you, I just picked them up.