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Coming Soon: Great Parks Spectacular Showcase

Great Parks Spectacular Showcase Banner

The Great Parks spectacular showcase starts on May 29!

If you can complete all 48 challenges before time runs out, you’ll earn up to 53 badges with a pile of Pogis.

Are you planning to participate in this event? Let us know in the comments below!

Filed under:  Pogo Events


Lisa says

Thanks, I hope there isn’t a lot of crazy garden blast or mahjong challenges

MomOfThree says

I’m praying I have a better start on this one. There were a few challenges in the last one that held me up from finishing it in time.

LittleOne says

I don’t know what it is, but find I complete the challenges quicker if I purchase the extra 24 badges right from the start.

Hazel says

I don’t care too much for the bonus badges, I just want the Pogis so I’ll be purchasing the extra challenges. That’ll give me 32 stress free days to complete them all before the new constellation starts.

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