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August 2024 Monthly Player Survey

Pogo Player Survey

Pogo is looking for your opinion on Grant’s Garden Slots in their new August Monthly Player Survey.

This month, Pogo is looking for your feedback on :

1) How frequently do you play the new Grant’s Garden machine?
2) How satisfied are you with Grant’s Garden?
3) What’s your your most favorite to least favorite mini game?
4) How would you rate the difficulty of Grant’s Garden?
5) Do you engage in Grant’s Garden challenges?

In addition, they are asking you if you want more challenges in Grant’s Garden slots.

Did you fill out the survey? Let us know in the comments below!

Filed under:  Pogo News


DeeDee says

Thanks for letting us know

Lisa says

I just filled it out. I wish they would’ve had a section for us to leave our own comments.

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